303 Boards X Savio

303 Boards Gives Back

Three months ago, sixteen-year-old Alex’s life took a turn in an uncertain direction. He was navigating the legal system and adjusting to his temporary foster home placement, all while saying goodbye to bad influences and peers he’d known his whole life. As he moved to an unfamiliar small town to support his level of care, he took in the vast horizon. There was one comfort he kept close: skateboarding. Through all the changes, grabbing his board and practicing skills gave him confidence that he could move forward in life. One Saturday, he woke up with adventure on his mind. Getting a mid-air thrill, nothing could stop him… until he landed and his wheel hit the ramp at a wrong angle. His skateboard was broken. His heart sank, and the unclarity came rushing back. What would he do for fun? How would he make new friends? Would he fall back into old habits? Skateboarding had to stop for now, but Alex held onto the hope that he could one day return to his passion.

When Savio shared Alex’s story with 303 Boards on Colfax, a local skateboard shop, they jumped right in to help. Their team created a custom board so that this teen in Savio’s foster program could get back to filling his free time with what he loves doing most of all. Having the ability and resources to make positive choices is a game-changer for youth going through tough times. It empowers them to lean into their talents and changes their outlook toward new possibilities. While checking out his new ride, Alex and 303’s staff bonded over skateboarding heroes and special events offered through the shop to meet friends and mentors who could teach him even more. A huge smile grew over his face. Things didn’t seem so cloudy anymore. Alex eagerly made plans to come back and visit.

“It’s all about paying it forward to the community. We’re so fortunate to have access to be around what we love all the time. It’s good to spread that abundance. It doesn’t have to be a big act or anything. It could be as small as seeing a kid at the park and leaving him some shoes. Just filling any need makes a difference.” - 303 Boards Team

Generosity like 303 Board’s is what makes Denver’s spirit strong. Alex has a new board, and he now has a connection to people he can relate to, which can help set him up for future success. Through acts of kindness like these, more kids in Savio’s program can start seeing the fun sides of life again and find healthy ways to cope with personal troubles – a gift that can never be broken. If you or you know someone in the community who could provide Savio’s kids with a life-changing experience, please reach out via the form below!

Emma Oremus