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Questions to Ask Before Becoming a Foster Parent

Families often think about fostering for months or even years before starting the certification process. Often these fears and questions that may prevent people from providing a safe home for children in need can be answered quickly.  

Here are some of the most common questions we receive - as well as some of the questions families are afraid to ask! 

Remember, you are always welcome to contact us to ask your questions specifically.  Every situation is different! We also encourage you to get started - there is no better way for both you and Savio to determine if foster care is right for you and your family than beginning the certification process.  

+ Do foster parents get paid? How much does it cost to be a foster parent?

There is also a stipend paid to families to help cover the child's living expenses. Foster Families do not need to be wealthy. They do need to be able to support their family independent of the money provided by the monthly stipend.

It is a common misconception that it costs a lot of time and money to become a certified foster parent. At Savio, it is important to us that our foster parents are provided with the proper skills to enhance their ability to care for children with a wide range of backgrounds and needs which is why the background checks and Savio’s in-house pre-certification trainings are provided free of cost and run every four months.

Click here to read more about the monthly stipend, benefits for the child, and costs of being a foster parent!

+ How old are the kids?

Kids in foster care range from just a few days old up to age 18. There are thousands of kids in need of foster homes in Colorado. Savio will help match your family to a child you feel best capable of supporting. There is a particularly strong need for families that can support teens, siblings, and children with developmental and medical needs.

“Are we allowed to take the youth on vacation with us?” - Yes, as long as there is approval from their team. Typically, if traveling within the state there is no issue but anything outside will need approval first. This is usually a great experience for the youth to get out of their typical environment as well.

+ We attend church regularly, will the youth attend with us?

Youth are able to attend church with their foster families, and generally do without issue. However, if the youth, or their parents, don’t want the youth to attend, we can’t force them.

Identifying what are your non-negotiables are part of the licensing process. If its essential to you that the foster youth will attend church, we will make sure that you don’t get a placement that doesn’t (without having a concrete plan for alternative plans for the youth during your church time.)

+ We have pets at home, will this be an issue?

Most of our current homes have pets. We find it therapeutic for our youth to be around animals in a home setting. However, we do make sure there is no history of animal abuse before placing a youth in a home with animals.

+ I have small grandchildren who come over to visit often, will this be allowed once I have a placement?

Of course! Holidays and family gatherings are often encouraged as long as those attending don’t have a history of actions that might be considered detrimental to children. This is something else that will be discussed during the home study process, so that you will be aware if there are any restrictions and/or safety plans that need to be in place.

+ Can I speak to an existing foster family?

We would be happy to connect you to an existing foster family if you’d like to know more about what it’s like to be a foster parent.

+ We have pets at home, will this be an issue?

Most of our current homes have pets. We find it therapeutic for our youth to be around animals in a home setting. However, we do make sure there is no history of animal abuse before placing a youth in a home with animals.

+ Can a single person be a foster parent?

Absolutely. You do not have to be a “perfect parent” to foster in Colorado. You can be single or married, own or rent a house, LGBTQ+ or straight, experienced parent or never had a kid, young or old. All that matters is that you are at least 21 years old and ready to make a difference in a youths life!

+ Do I need to own my own home to foster?

Foster parents can be renters. There is no requirement to own your own home.

+ Am I allowed to take the youth on vacation with my family?

This is usually a great experience for the youth to get out of their typical environment as well.

We do need approval from their county caseworker and treatment team. Advanced planning and communication are important - sometimes the teams have to get approval from the courts for out of state travel, so the sooner we make the request, the better.

Questions you may be afraid to ask


+ What About My Past?

The application and background check will begin the certification process. However, in certain cases, the background check may deter families from moving forward with the process due to instances in the past that may be brought to light through a background check. It is important to note that the main objective of this step is to fully understand where a future foster parent is coming from and where they currently are and less about what they have done in their past. Oftentimes, if a foster parent has a past that they have grown from, it is easier for certain youth to relate and grow as well.

Why do you try to reunite the family?

We are always looking out for what is best for the children. The bond between parents and their children is irreplaceable- losing a parent is the most traumatic experience a child can go through. This is true even when it may seem like the parent has not taken proper care of the child. At Savio, we believe—and research proves—that reunifying families whenever possible creates the best outcomes for children and caregivers alike.

Most children are removed from their homes due to situational concerns that can be resolved through treatment and addressing and addressing and eliminating those concerns. However, there are some situations where reunifying children with their parents is not feasible, in which case longer-term options, including kinship care and/or adoption, are explored by the youth’s treatment team. While Savio’s primary goal is reuinification, we have also had foster families who have become adoptive families for some of their placements when the reunification was not successful.

Will I love this child and then have them taken away?

Many prospective foster parents worry about bringing a child into their home for months and loving that child, only to see them return to their birth family.

Our current foster parents tell us this can be the hardest part about fostering - but they never regret having been part of that child’s life and providing love and security for them when they needed it most. Fostering provides enormous rewards for everyone involved.

+ Is fostering right for my family?

Successful foster families provide safe, stable and loving homes for children who need to heal from past experiences and trauma, and reform healthy bonds with their original family.

The home study and licensing process will help determine if fostering is a fit for you and your family. This is you and your family members' chance to learn more about fostering and what it takes. Its also our chance to understand your situation, needs and preferences before placing a child in your home.

Savio is proud to license families in all different forms and sizes, including people from every race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and marital status.

You can also click here to read about the top reasons why foster families quit.

With over 50 years of experience, Savio House has a time-tested foster family exploration and certification process. It typically takes three to six months to complete this entire journey, but we can assure you, we will be right by you throughout every step.

If you have questions or would like more information in becoming a foster parent with Savio House, please contact Rebecca at 720-530-6071 or fill out the form below

See this form in the original post