Savio Goes Back-to-School!

Do you remember that feeling you had the night before the first day of school? Were you scared you wouldn't fit in? Were you worried you wouldn't stand out? Overwhelmed at the assignments ahead of you? Starting a new school year can be daunting to any student... and their parents. Our families are putting in hard work. They’re spending hours of their personal time to better their caregiver-child relationships. These sessions often look like talking about uncomfortable mental health subjects and discipline all while bringing it back to the strong love they have for one another. With so much time being put into overcoming these challenges, finding new school gear often falls by the wayside.

Savio holds its annual Back-to-School Drive in the summer to help our kids get everything they need to start the year off right. We serve low income families who might not have the resources to buy that perfect first day of school outfit their teenager’s freshman year or that Spider-Man backpack their little one won’t stop talking about. By lending a hand, you can give the gift of confidence to young people going through life’s most difficult times…and the gift of relief to parents who want the best for their kids.


Checking out our families’ Wish Lists here! You can learn more about the families we serve and the items they need, Once you self a profile, you can start shopping! We are collecting donations on our King Street campus the week of July 24th-July 28th. All you have to do is label your collection with your child or family’s name from their profile, bring it our way, and we’ll make sure they get their supplies right away so that the night before the first day of school won’t seem so scary.

Don’t have time to shop? No problem! Make a monetary donation in the form below and a volunteer shopper will gather everything for you!

Emma Oremus